Friday, May 15, 2009

Trip Home for Graduation!!!

It has just been a whirlwind of events these past two weeks. First off the craziness began with an event they have over here that they call Carnage. Everyone buys a TShirt for 10 pounds and it gets you into all the bars/pubs that night for free! Lets just say I had a great time and SASHA was definitely in town…..

On May 2nd 2009, I got to see a LIVE football match in England! I got to watch Portsmouth vs. Arsenal! It was such a great experience! I love how Soccer (football) is so big over here the game was so fun!!! Later that night....Gilmore from good ole Green Hope came to visit me at Portsmouth because she was studying in Italy, so we went to a pub got traditional British food, and just chilled (we were both exhausted). Then on Tuesday I met up with her in London and stayed in the same hostel as her! I pretty much packed a bunch of my stuff from my school in Portsmouth, so when I come to the states at the end for good I don’t have a lot of stuff. Lets just say 100lbs worth of luggage and the tube (the underground) don’t mix. I had to lug my two suitcases, a carry on and a backpack on a total of three trains. Keep in mind when you come from the underground not all stations have elevators so I had to lug them up stairs and escalators. Thank the lord there are some friendly people in London otherwise I do not know how I would’ve have made it. But I got to the hostel dripping sweat and exhausted so we hung out walked around and went to a pub for dinner, then in the AM it was get on two more trains the next morning (with all my luggage again) to get to the airport!

Well this past week I came all the way from the UK to the states. The flight over to the states was ok. The good thing is I managed not to throw up this time!!! Yay! But I did feel like I was going to throw up and had a PLASTIC bag ready this time (refer to first blog), but of course since I was actually prepared but I didn’t need it! I land and get picked up at the airport by my mom and brother, and it was like I had never left, America , everything was the same haha. But it was a bit sad because I pulled up to my house and there was a for sale sign in the front of the house, and upstairs all the wall paper and rugs were gone (parentals moving to cali)! But like I said earlier everything was back to normal. I instantly hopped to my car (haven’t driven in 3 months) and went to the mall (I had to find a dress for graduation). But I ended up landing at 2:40 and had one of the longest days ever because it was extended by five hours.

On Thursday of being back to the states, I had to get my glasses fixed, eat some panera bread (which I have missed), hang out with my grandma who got into town, pick up my sister from the airport and do some grocery shopping. Later that evening I went over to the Fantozzi’s for dinner to discuss Gina’s upcoming trip to England/Europe! Gina’s mom made a lovely vodka sauce pasta which was very tasty, and Gina’s dad who calls me BukiRaton was funny as usual going on about how he was a bit upset that Nasa changed the launch date for a shuttle! Haha!

Well Finally Friday arrived! I was looking most towards going to school and seeing my “family”, my KKSBs!! The 4 ½ drive was long, but it gave me time to reflect on the experiences I have had in England, and think about all the good times I have had in Cullowhee (hey you tend to do that when you know things are coming to an end). But it was great because I finally get to Cullowhee, pull up to the rabbit ridge apartments and the first person I see is my partner in crime ARLAN WHITTLE! Yay! And the excitement just continued because then I got to see Fowkes, Nikki, Ditt, Liz, LA, Lombie, J Train, mummilicous …but it was great catching up with everyone and telling about my experiences. After catching up Arlan and I hit up the soccer office to chat it up with Tammy D, then we ended up going to the baseball game with Arlan, we only stayed for a lilttle bit, but then went to El Pac (which I have actually missed) and got some tall ones and hung out with Matt and Cody and eventually Ma! Later that night, I wanted to go out to John’s on main or the rusty but everyone was partied out from the night before so we ended up going to Rachel’s grad party which was fun, and then me and Marianne (My Suitttte) went to the Peaks and partied it up. I got to see some more of my favorite people and even got in a game of beer pong (don’t want to talk about it though).

Well next is what I came back for the states for GRADUATION DAY!!!!!! Ok so since my body was still in a different time zone I ended up waking up at 5:00am, ughh and I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I laid on Arlan’s futon for 2 hours before I went into her room to wake her and cody up and play Vitamin C’s graduation song. They didn’t like that too much and told me to go away, but I thought it was funny! But Arlan and I went to grad rehearsal (had no idea what was going on). Came back got ready, then it was Graduation time! It was so crazy that after 4 years at this place that it was really coming to an end. This place has filled me with memories of winning championships, lasting friendships, hard times, sad times, life lessons, parties, new experiences, new people and many firsts in my life, and I will forever hold on to the memories I have made in Cullowhee NC. It is a town unique in its own, and a town I will probably never live in EVER again haha, but it is a town I have grown to love and has been my home, and my heart for four years. Graduation was a sad time. College is great, and just realizing that I am done with this part of my life made me sad. When they started playing our alma mater and told us to look up at our parents is when I lost it and started to cry (and I never cry). The last time I cried was on my last college soccer game! But I had so much fun, and am just so appreciative of all the family and friends that came to graduation or came by my house to show their support. It makes me very appreciative that I have so many great people in my life that truly care for me.

My time in the states was very short lived. On Monday evening it was already time for me to head back to the uk! But boy oh boy did I cut it close. Lets just say I got to the airport at 5:00 and my flight was at 6:10, and keep in mind it was an international flight. But luckily we live close to the airport and it was not to busy so I made my flight! Wahoo!! I slept most of the way on the flight, and AGAIN I felt sick, but since I was prepared of course I didn’t throw up! But my adverture doesn’t end here! I thought I already experienced my longest day everrrr but nooooo…..

So I had an overnight flight and landed in the UK at 6:45 am (1:45 US time), ask what time I get back to my living quarters??? 1:30. So I get on the underground with only one luggage this time yay, and go to Victoria to get a train to Portsmouth (which is like 1 ½ train ride). Well what do ya know, once I get to Victoria all trains or delayed/cancelled because a train broke down, and there was an accident on one of the train tracks. So I am like ughhh I am tired, jet-lagged, cranky and sick, I just want to get back to Portsmouth…so I try to weigh my other options and I am like maybe I can get a bus. I go check out the buses and they had one that would leave in an hour, so the plan was to go return my train ticket and get a bus. But I get back to the train station and they said that a train to Portsmouth would be leaving and they are taking the fast route due to the train being broken down. And I was like sweet! That will get me to Portsmouth in an hour. I scratch the bus idea and get on the train! Well I am on the train and right when we are about to get to Portsmouth the conductor gets on and says :sorry for any inconvenience, but we will have to take an alternate route, so all passengers needing to get to Portsmouth you will need to switch trains”….Whatttt! was my reaction, so I had to get on another train to get to Portsmouth, and 3 ½ hours later I finally made it! I finally get to my living quarters and what do you know everyone is outside because there was a fire arlarm. So I had to wait outside with my suitcase for another 30 minutes until I finally got to my room!

But I am back in Portsmouth but exhausted, and jet lagged! I have had to do two assignments since I have gotten back that I finally turned in so I am temporarily free, except for my two exams I have, one on May 28th and June 3rd but I am not too worried…But hold up are you a bit confused? Thought I graduated already? Haha see when you study abroad the semesters don’t match up so I am technically graduated but technically not since the credit hours I get over here complete my degree-so that makes even more harder to get motivated since I already participated in commencement! Phew..

But I got one more month here and I am going to live it up! But I counting down the days till Gina gets here! I can not wait we are going to have so much fun. My sister and Aunt will also be here and they are traveling to Italy and Spain with us so that will be even more fun ! And Arlan MIGHT be coming ahhhh, so even more EXCITEMENT! So I really hope she can come out here because that would be even more fun!!!

So what a long blog, but I had a lot to fill yall in on! Congrats to the class of ’09 I’ll miss the whee….. everyone have a great summer, and to my soccer girls-train hard this summer!! I’m feeling Back to Back Champions what what!

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