Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So this past weekend I ventured down to Oxford with Mary and Rachel to visit their friend Andrea. Oxford was lots of fun. We get there around 6ish, and go to Andrea's friend's bbq for international students. Lets just say worst barbeque I have ever attended. It wasn't because of the food, just how it was set up. Everyone was awkward, you had to grill your own meat, it just was not a great atmosphere. So we ended up getting free food, wine and beer and piecing out.

I was still hungry so we ended up getting some pizza from a restaurant in the city, then made our way back to Andrea's house. We ended up playing circle of death (which I haven't played in forever) so that was lots of fun. Then we went out to a bar called Kakui (or something like that) it had a tropical theme. It was a fun night of dancing, boys, and fun times. So I was very glad I went!

The next morning we woke up and planned on going on a boat, but it ended up not working out, so we went around Oxford, saw some Harry Potter sites, came back had taco night, then we made it back to Portsmouth right around midnight.

Otherwise this week I have been studying for a final I have tommorow, and then after that we will go out for Rachel's birthday. Then all weekend I will be studying for my LAST final ever on Wednesday literally (since I am technically graduated)and officially officially be done! yay, so party time after that!!!

Gina arrives here on Monday! I am super excited for her to get her and explore with her. My sister gets here on Wednesday, and I will officially be done with school. My aunt will be here on Thursday, and then on Friday we will travel to Rome for four days, then Spain for three days!! I will be in Spain on my birthday so excited about that!!

TOday is my Dad's Birthday!! Happy Birthday Dad!!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT POST BUKI! I felt like I was there...oh wait I was! Im glad you had a good time (minus the worst BBQ ever and hope we'll see each other soon) keep bloggin!
