Thursday, April 23, 2009

Luck of the Irish

Wow- it has already been two weeks of break and I just can’t believe it! For my first week of break I stayed at my school I was lazy, did some of my coursework, and looked for jobs for when I return to the states (not going to0 well). On Friday of the first week I headed to my uncles, who lives about 45 minutes from central London, and hung out with my cousins for about 4 days! It was fun and relaxing- didn’t do too much watched a lot of tv and ate. One of the days I headed to London with my cousin Habib and we checked out a lot of London’s main attractions. I also met up with Vwarhe and she knows a lot about London so she was able to take me to everywhere I wanted to see! But London is a nice city! I am excited for Gina, my aunt, and sister to get here so I can show them around!

However the best part of my 2 weeks off was def the four days in Dublin. We left to go to Dublin on Wednesday and headed back to England on Saturday! When we landed in Dublin it was raining ! We stayed in a hostel while in Dublin and it was actually nice and clean. I had never stayed in a hostel before so I was a bit nervous but it ended up being a good first experience. Our first night in Dublin we didn’t do much, we went to go find food-I ended up eating burger king! But it sure was an expensive Burger King trip, a whopper combo ended up costing 7 Euros…when you convert that to dollars I Paid 9 dollars for a freaking whopper combo! booo! But food in Ireland was really expensive-for the most part meals were 12.50 Euro even in the small shops or whole in the wall establishments. But I found out the reason for this is because Ireland taxes 21% on their stuff!Damn!

After food Fnaan and I went to a south african/australian pub to watch some Soccer (football) and listen to live brazilian music!

The next day Fnaan and I woke up really early to go on a tour to the countryside. To our surprise it was gloomy and rainy again! The countryside was really pretty but it just sucked it was rainy!

Our third day in Dublin we walked around the city. We went to the Guiness Brewery where I learned how to pour my perfect pint of Guinness! I even got a certificate!

But it was neat to see the history of Guinness and how it is made. Guiness has avery distinct taste, but it is a very heavy beer.

Later that evening we had dinner and then went out with a group of people from our hostel. We went out with two Americans from Chicago studying in Vienna, Sam a guy that works the reception of the hostel, 2 British girls, and Jarrod aka my best friend from Cali (who is too cool for school haha), and some other Irish man whose name I forgot.We went to a pub/club and it was a fun night. I was in utter disbelief when we arrived because the Irish have a “unique” style of dancing I took a video and I will post it once i get if from Fnaan's camera.....

But it was a fun night we met some Irish people who were really friendly! At the end of the night there was of course a fight and some guy getting arrested, and Fnaan met an Irish boy she thought was very cute!

Our last day in Dublin we went to the Kilmainham Gaol jail where Italian job was filmed…which was cool to see! It was crazy hearing about the history of the jail and how the conditions and punishments were!

Then later that day we flew back to London….

But its so crazy how time is flying by- I go back home in approximately 12 days for graduation….come back then have a month left in Europe!

I am super excited about the next few weeks, but also I am getting scared because I have no idea what I will be doing when I come back to the states for good!! But see everyone very soon! Ill be in Cullowhee on May 7th or 8th!!!

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