Friday, March 27, 2009

Home is Where the Heart is

So it has been a whirlwind this past three weeks, and have done a horrible job of updating this!

"So scared of getting older, I'm only good at being young..." I am currently listening to John Mayer, stop this train, and I truly do believe that this song describes where I am in life right now. As May 9th (GRADUATION DAY) continues to creep closer, it becomes more real that I am going to graduate and be DONE with school (for the time being). I am honestly not sure if I am ready for this thing they call the "real world". But what is comforting is the fact that right now I am enjoying myself in my last semester of undergrad although I am not with some of my best friends I am having a blast and learning so much about myself in a new country. I am so far away from home, but i am starting to feel at home here in Portsmouth. I have been here for over 6 weeks and I have new friends, a new schedule, and new experiences.I am loving it!

Nothing too out of the norm has happened these past two weeks! Just enjoying the night life! Its so nice being free from soccer and being able to go out WHENEVER I want haha, because the night life here is SO much better than in da whee! Although I do miss it, nothing compares to the rusty lizard or good olde johns on main! And the courseload is pretty light, so no stressing over tests! All I have to worry about are essays but most are not due until the end of the semester!

I played with the soccer (football) team here last week! I took a coach with them to some school that was about 2 hours away, it reminded me of our bus rides for away trips except on the way back they were allowed to drink haha! I was a bit hesistant about even going to play with them because the skill level of some of the girls was a bit shocking. Lets just say I had a flashback to recreational days when I was six. It could also be the fact that I played at the collegiate level with high competition, BUT STILL these girls are not too talented haha. So we ended up tying the game 2-2. I scored a PK and had an assist. But it was weird, it wasn't fun playing with these girls, it was FRUSTRATING. It was like boot ball, no connecting of passes, it was get the ball and kick it somewhere was their game plan. I wanted to help them, but there is only so much you can do when they lack the ability to pass you the ball haha! But it was a good experience, but I think for the rest of my time here I am going to stick to going to the gym, hip hop classes, aerobics and most recently yoga. It is so much fun taking all these classes! I am just so used to SOCCER SOCCER SOCCER so its a nice change!

Other than that Rachel, Mary and I have been hanging out with Lee (who is in a wheelchair) and his caretakers Charles and J! They are all so nice! Lee is hilarious, he does the funniest New York accent ever, but he still sounds British when he does it! Charles is from South Africa, and J is from (Czech Republic). We went to a pub with them last Wednesday, and after the pub closed down had an after party in our halls! We stayed up until 4 in the morning playing kemps, dancing in the lobby, and riding bikes in the basement! I had so much fun, and it was a very good night!

Earlier this week Charles cooked Brai, South African barbeque! It was really good, I have never eaten SO MUCH MEAT in one sitting! It was nice, we did it on the patio of Lee's room! It was Charles cooking then me, Lee, Rachel, J and Mary! Then on Thursday it was Kristina's birthday so some of us went to her place and had traditional Danish food, Kristina's dip that is sooo goood, then some rice, pasta salad, a pototoe dish and cupcakes! everything was so good and i was so full!!

Earlier today I had my first graded presentation since I have been out here! it was funny because our seminar class only consists of about 6 people, and no one showed up! So my partner and I had to do the presentation for just our professor, but he said we did a good job :)!

Otherwise, I wish I could play with our alumni this weekend in cullowhee for the 7v7 tournament! Its always a RIOT when the alumni come into town! The alumni are always so much fun, and since I am finally an "alumni" it would have been nice to be on the otherside playing with them! But i guess I will have to wait for next year! KKSB :)

This weekend I don't have anything too crazy in store! Rachel and Mary went to Scotland for the weekend and Fnaan's mom is in town so I am kinda riding solo haha! But it will be a lazy weekend, I need to start looking for jobs ahhhh, and do some of my coursework i have due! Tomorrow J talked about listening to some live music in the evening, so I will probably do that! Then on Sunday I am going to a Safari park and Longleat! I am really excited for that! I can't wait to see Lions! Hopefully I won't get eaten haha!

Well that is all across the pond! I hope all is well back in the states! See you all on skype or via facebook :)

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