Sunday, March 8, 2009

Portsmouth Likes to Partayyy

I had an eventful week of going out! And I finally got drinks bought for me! I knew the British men had it in em lol! So on Monday I went out with some of the British girls in my hall (pictured to the right Michelle, Natalia and Clare ) it was so much fun…we got VIP and free entry to the club so that was a plus. Clare met two brothers and I started dancing with one of them. He was nice, and I thought he was cute. It was a bit funny because he is the milkman in the town that I am in! ha ha! I also went out on Thursday which was fun as well! This time Rachel (my fellow American) ventured out with me! Boy did we have a fun night dancing. At one point in the night we got swarmed by Indians and all I could smell was curry. I felt like I was in a BOLLYWOOD movie with all of them dancing around us but it was fun. But I must say Thursday was a butt smacking night because EVERY guy I danced with that night smacked my butt….not sure if it is an English thing, I was like what the hell haha, but it made me laugh. And finally the last of my clubbing escapades was last night, I went out with some of the international girls to jongleurs! It was another fun night of dancing, and the music was less house this time! At the end of the night Chamali and I met some Scotish lads ha ha who were entertaining. (I was able to video one of them below haha , he was pretty drunk)

Otherwise yesterday I went to Oxford for the day! It was a nice trip out of Portsmouth. The town is very historic, and had a lot of old but elegant buildings. We were able to see where Harry Potter was filmed and what not. I wanted to go to the dining hall, but a lot of things were closed off!

We took coaches to Oxford and the bus ride took about 1 hour and a half. On the way over I sat next to a guy from Iraq. I can say this is the first person from Iraq I have met and definately gave me a new perspective on the war. I still don't totally agree with the way the war in Iraq was done, but hearing first hand from someone living there that life is a lot better than it was before was pretty cool to hear. But he just told me about times when they had no power and had to use their gas stove for heat and how they warmed candles, and just other things about his experience in Iraq. But other than the war, things apparently in Iraq are so cheap. So take like a large pizza from pizza hut, he said that he could get a large over there for about $1.00 where as here it is like 11 dollars. Or take a burger, you can get a burger for a measly 20 CENTS! I couldn't believe it. This list goes on, you can get a BMW for probably around 5,000 dollars. I was like dang, I want to live there (not really) but you catch my drift it is just so CHEAP there. But he was telling me it is like that because all their supplies are from their own country Iraq. They don't get their fruit or other supplies like that from other countries its all in Iraq. But I also asked him why people don't take advantage of things being so cheap and buy a car from Iraq and ship it, and he says they don't allow exporting. One last fun fact about Iraq is that they do not have speed limits on the roads. He says he usually drives 115 miles per hour down the roads! Crazy!

Well I got even more cultured on the way back I sat next to someone from Czech Republic! It was nice talking to him, but didn't talk to him too much because I ended up putting my Ipod in and napping, but he told me how things in Czech are really cheap as well, and college in Czech is for free.

That is it on my end! Will update next week :). No plans yet perhaps salsa dancing, and MAYBE some homework haha.

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