Sunday, February 8, 2009

This would happen to me

So let’s just say my travels to the UK was very hectic. So we get onto the flight, and everything went pretty well, I sat next to a lady whose son lives in London and she was telling me all about what he does and her favorite places to go when she visits….

I got an MRI on my back a few days before my trip and it showed that I had a bulging disc and pinched nerve in my back because I can’t stand or sit without my butt burning, so of course on the flight boy oh boy was my butt/back burning the entire flight (very uncomfortable).

However my butt burning was the least of my worries, usually when I fly I always get a feeling of nausea and really bad headache, and this flight was no different. About an hour into the flight they brought us dinner (pasta, salad and bread) I tried the pasta and it was good but since I felt so bad I didn’t have appetite, the only thing I could eat was lettuce without dressing.

They finally came to pick up our trays and that’s when I started to feel extremely bad, a feeling overcame me like I was going to throw up so in the front of my seat I grabbed the barf bag, of course it had gum sticking to it but all of a sudden the throw up came! I was able to get most of the throw up into the bag, but the barf bags are paper so what do you know it burst! So there I was on the flight with throw up everywhere. It got onto my backpack, onto my pillow, on my sweatshirt, on my scarf, on my ipod it was a disaster. My dad came on the trip with me and he was sitting a few rows in front, he was awesome in helping me clean up, he helped me clean my pillow and sweatshirt and what not in the sink in the bathroom. Thank goodness he was there with me, or it would have been far worse.

The lady sitting beside me was able to find a different seat, I felt bad for everyone around me if they witnessed me throwing up because even myself was grossed out! But the entire time I was just thinking to myself wow this WOULD happen to me! It was so embarrassing because I could smell the throw up on my backpack when exiting the plane and I was like oh lord. We are spending the first few days with my dad’s cousin so I was able to wash everything! Phew!

Well what a great start to my trip (being sarcastic). However finally arriving at the Heathrow airport in London and hearing all the British accents, and seeing the cars on opposite side of the roads I realized I’m really here! I’m really in England and I can’t be more excited! I go to my school tomorrow and start orientation, then start school on Monday (February 9th)! I will update soon again! Miss everyone back in the states (especially my KKSB).

1 comment:

  1. oh my god that sounds horrible! i'm so sorry! i was expecting a "just kidding" at the end of the barf story wow
