Sunday, February 22, 2009

Your ticket does not apply

So those of you that know me pretty well know that I tend to get lost pretty frequently! Well you would think that I would struggle in the UK, but this weekend I was very proud for finding my way around. Portsmouth (the school I go to) is about a 1 1/2 hour train ride from London. Well on Saturday I went to go meet my dad at the Heathrow airport in London. He is going to Nigeria and had a layover for a day in London.

Well on my travels I got an all day pass to take all train routes in London. I ended up having to take a total of 3 trains to meet my dad (and I navigated everything myself thank you!!!!). Well you know me, something always seems to happen. I get on the final train, and they come around and check your tickets to see if you paid. Well again proud of myself for not loosing my ticket (since I do tend to loose things a lot), the guy looks at my ticket and says this is not valid on this train. I was on an express train and apparently they are a private train so my ticket did not apply! I was like “um I did not know that, my ticket got me into the station, so I was not aware it did not work!” He then was like I am going to have to charge you 19 pounds and fifty pence! Ahh are you kidding me, I already spent 21 pounds and 30 pence for this trip and now you are going to charge me more! You all are probably like no big deal but keep in mind the conversion rate, 19 pounds and fifty pence is really about $30! So that put me in a bad mood, I was so pissed because I was proud of myself for finding my way, but mad because I got on the wrong train and had no idea! Oh well, you live and you learn I suppose! But my day got better because I got to see my dad, and he brought me my contacts (which of course I forgot at home), and a new ipod!! Yay!

My time in London was not too long we went and ate at a Chinese restaurant, did some shopping, and then I headed back on the train to go to Portsmouth. I got back to Portsmouth around 9:30, and met up with some of the international girls. We hung out at Frida and Sarah’s (Swedish girls) flat, and then proceeded to head to Babylon. The club is known to play all the 90’s hits. We get in to the club and it is definitely not “my type” of club. Let just say there were some WEIRD people in this club (a range from 50 year old drunk women/men, emo college kids, a guy dressed in a peguine suite, to slutty girls drunk off who knows what). I was like whatever I will make it fun, so it was a fun night of jamming to some 90’s hits with the other girls. BUT I will not be going back to that club!

After the club we went to Ken’s Fried Chicken (the only thing open), it’s a spin off of Kentucky Fried! Can you believe McDonald’s closes at 11, but wait Subway is open till 3, interesting!??!

We had to eat outside because some of us got subway and some of us got Ken’s (they have security at the door). So outside we meet random English people. They were nice, but there was another group of people near us and a fight broke out. One kid was punching this other kid hardcore in the head! I was a little freaked out, so I called a cab and went home haha!

Otherwise that is really all going on with me. I will be taking a hip hop class every Monday! Last week we learned a dance to Justin Timberlake (I will show you all upon my arrival back to the States)!!, so I can’t wait to see what we learn this week! Also on Monday (the hot night to go out here, kinda like the Rusty Lizard on Wednesdays lol) we went on a pub crawl! It was fun, except we didn’t really end up going to any pubs that I have not been to haha but I still had fun!

I went to Vwarhe’s last week (this girl is a cooking machine). She taught me how to make jellof rice (a Nigerian dish)! I can’t wait to cook for my parents; I think they would be impressed I know how to make it! And on Friday I went over to Kristina’s and Corynnes and checked out their flat and watched the movie Australia. We all got tired so we only watched the first half, so we must finish the second half soon!

Well that’s all I have over here in the UK! Miss everyone!! Talk to me on Skype!!

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